7 Easy Steps to Build a Website Using HTML in Notepad


Creating a website from scratch can be an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. Today, almost anyone has the capability to create and host their own website using HTML on Notepad. This article explores simple steps and tips for taking the fear out of creating a website using HTML on Notepad.

Choosing a Niche or Topic

Before selecting a domain name or hosting platform, it is important to consider the content of the website. What topic does the website revolve around? What kind of look and feel should be included in the design? Answering these questions can narrow down the best options for web hosting, website building platform, and design elements.

Domain Name Selection

The first step to creating a website on Notepad is selecting a domain name. It is important to select a domain name that is easy to remember, relevant to the topics of the website, and optimized for search engines. It can also be helpful to include keywords in the domain name that are related to the niche.

Web Hosting Options

Next, it is time to select the web hosting platform. When creating a website on Notepad using HTML, there are many web hosting options to choose from. Shared hosting, virtual private servers, cloud hosting, and managed WordPress hosting are all viable choices. It is important to consider the budget and whether the website will use content management systems like WordPress or Drupal as well as what types of web elements will be featured on the website such as video or multimedia before selecting a web host.

Website Building Platforms

Once the domain name and hosting platform are selected, it is time to decide on a website building platform. Notepad is a great option for coding a website with HTML, but it's not the only option. WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and Shopify are all popular website building platforms that allow for an easy-to-use website creation. These platforms are often more user-friendly than coding a website from scratch on Notepad, but there are trade-offs. Platforms like WordPress may require more complex setup and customization to achieve a desired look and feel.

Website Design and Layout

After the website building platform is selected, it is time to consider the design and layout of the website. This includes the color palette, font selection, and general look and feel of the website. It is important to consider the audience of the website before making these design choices. What type of content will be featured? Who are the intended readers or customers? Will the website have a minimalist, modern look or be more expressive and creative?

Content Creation and Writing

Now it is time to start creating content for the website. Content creation can range from writing blog posts, creating video tutorials, or curating third-party articles. It is important to select a consistent voice and tone that is suitable to the website's audience and topics. It is also important to create content that is well-written, formatted in a readable way, provides valuable information, and is optimized for search engine exposure.

Basic HTML and CSS

Once the website design and content are established, it is time to start coding the website using HTML and CSS. Although HTML can be written on Notepad, there are an array of text editors specifically for HTML coding. Examples include Sublime, Atom, Notepad, and Visual studio code. All of these text editors can handle HTML and CSS coding and provide helpful hints and syntax errors.

Image and Multimedia Integration

Images and multimedia are important elements of website design. Images such as logos, hero images, photos, and infographics can be used to capture the attention of the reader and add visual interest to the website. Additionally, multimedia such as video, audio, and slideshows can be used to create an interactive and engaging experience. It is important to select images and multimedia that are optimized for website speed and follow copyright laws.

User Experience (UX) and Navigation

The user experience (UX) and navigation of the website is key to creating an enjoyable online experience. It is important to create a navigation system that is user-friendly and intuitive. This means considering the hierarchy of information, creating pages and sub-pages, and linking them in an organized way. Additionally, creating a searchable index of content on the website can help users quickly find what they are looking for.

SEO Fundamentals

Optimizing the website for search engine rankings is an important part of website creation. Search engine optimization (SEO) includes elements such as including keywords in page content, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, creating quality incoming links, using structured data for rich snippets, and creating an XML sitemap. All of these elements help boost the website's visibility in search engine rankings.

Mobile Responsiveness

It is important to consider the mobile version of the website when creating a website. Ensuring the website is mobile-friendly is key to getting traffic from mobile devices. This means making sure the website has a responsive design, including easy-to-click buttons and menus, and eliminating large files that can take a long time to load. Additionally, testing the website on a variety of devices and browsers can help ensure a smooth mobile experience.

Social Media Integration

Social media integration can also help with SEO rankings and increase the visibility of the website. Using social media to promote the website can help boost traffic and drive visits. Additionally, including social media links and sharing buttons on the website can also help the website gain more followers and engage readers.

Website Security

Website security is also important to consider when creating a website. Installing an SSL certificate on the website will ensure that it is secure and add a layer of protection to any sensitive data that is collected. Additionally, configuring the website's server to be secure can also help protect the website from malicious attacks.

Analytics and Tracking Tools

Analytics and tracking tools are important for monitoring the performance of the website. Examples of tracking tools include Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and social media analytics. These tools help track the website's performance and provide insights on how to optimize the website and content.

Final Notes

Creating a website from scratch can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, anyone can create and host their own website using Notepad. Understanding the niche or topic, selecting a domain name, web hosting option, website building platform, designing and laying out the website, creating content, coding with HTML and CSS, integrating images and multimedia, optimizing user experience and navigation, configuring website security, and using analytics and tracking tools are all pieces of the puzzle to get a website up and running and optimized for maximum SEO impact.